Thursday 22 November 2007

Octo-Centenery Greenery

The garden of our city is undergoing regeneration
Just like any farmer’s land undergoes crop rotation

You have to burn off the scrub for cultured cultivation
Weeds and obstructions will get in the way of proper propagation

Is Liverpool’s bed well mulched for the dawn of Octo-Centenery?
Have we done enough to rid ourselves from the sceptical scenery?

It’s not enough to just have an exhaustive itinery
Fertile ground, nice arrangement, well looked after, elementary

I hope these new gardeners are better than the last lot
I mean how can fruit and veg be so shit when you have the best plot?

I thought we’d rid ourselves in the 80s of greenfly and blot
Time is now, new everything, so the vegetables are good enough for the pot

I just want a nice, well presented, productive patch
Manchester has done it for years, let’s see if Merseyside can match

Of course there’s life there, if only the surface we scratch
Just a matter of how many raindrops and how much sunlight we catch

What will happen to bounty from these scouse seeds?
Wait and see what happens to product and what this greenery feeds

Will never be a country garden, will always be a few weeds
Let’s see what becomes of harvest, I wonder if our blossom bleeds

No good having trees scraping the sky if only the tallest can reach the fruit
The fruit has to be accessible, right down to the root

Too many outsiders have eloped with Liverpool’s laboured loot
Let’s see how good we look in our 800th birthday suit.

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